
It's time to share in detail about my path in becoming a designer, developing effective skills, and the philosophy behind approaching creative projects

My journey in the world of presentation design graphics

In this article, I will try to explain in detail my journey of creative development in the field of graphic design. I will focus on how I got started in this profession, including the evolution of my visual skills, and I will also uncover the unique aspects of creating an expressive style for presentations.

My name is Andrey Zhandrov, and for over 10 years, I've been creating graphic presentations. During this time, I've had the opportunity to work with many agencies, successfully complete complex projects, and meet a lot of interesting people. I've earned the loyalty and respect of clients, learned to take feedback constructively, and developed a responsible approach to project creation.
Presentations are both my hobby and my job. This combination allows me to move forward confidently and handle tasks of any complexity
Education and Exploring a Professional Pathway
While studying at university, I focused on design. The complexity lay in the fact that this field is incredibly diverse, and the curriculum only covered the basics. Alongside my studies, I started learning the Adobe software package.

My university education equipped me with foundational knowledge in my professional field. However, I'm always on the lookout for fresh learning opportunities. This includes attending themed exhibitions, listening to speakers, and discussing design with colleagues. In addition to offline information, I regularly take online courses in specialized areas. My goals include continuously improving my visual skills, thoroughly studying trends, and finding new solutions to current design challenges.
During my school years, I found it difficult to determine my future profession.I analyzed many options, explored different possibilities, and eventually chose to become an advertising specialist. This choice allowed me to dive deep into the world of design, marketing, and psychology
Completed Photoshop Course
Developing Visual Skills
Throughout my career in presentation design, I've worked with different agencies, gaining diverse experience and building core visual skills. I've been fortunate to meet many interesting people, and many of them have become my friends. We exchange practical knowledge and engage in productive professional discussions.

I want to highlight a special place where I work – the Presium design studio, which has become a second home to me. Over 6 years of productive work, we've gone from being a small company to achieving significant results on a national scale. Here, I refined my skills in creating presentations and developed confidence in my abilities. The team's warm and friendly atmosphere made working on comprehensive projects efficient and relaxed.
A Special and Unique Team at Presium Studio
Applying Knowledge and Studio Work
Collaborating with people who share common interests and goals is the key to dynamic progress and achieving impressive results
My Skills and Philosophy of Presentation Design
Today, designers can choose the right tool from a wide range of graphic software programs. Many of them are interchangeable or complement each other. Specific combinations are selected for solving different tasks. Every designer decides on their own which programs to learn and use, regularly updating, optimizing, and adding new tools to their toolkit.

PowerPoint is a crucial tool for me, but I also actively use Photoshop and Illustrator. These programs help me design expressive presentations that align with the project's goals. The possibilities of Photoshop are fully revealed when it comes to editing raster graphics and creating modern collages. Illustrator is a top choice for working with vector graphics. The synergy between these programs allows for the creation of genuinely vivid and effective presentations.
After hearing about my career exploration and experience, it's time to discuss the important programs for graphic work and share the basic principles of my approach to creating presentations
The Beluga presentation cover was created in Photoshop
Essential Software Tools
I invest experience, time, and emotions into every project. There are no minor tasks or clients for me, so I offer contemporary and relevant visual solutions for all presentations to achieve the best results for the client. By blending various styles and approaches, I successfully bring individual and meaningful projects to life.

A key aspect for me is creating a high-quality presentation within the timeframes set by the client. To meet deadlines, I optimize the design process and carefully estimate the time available for work.
Presentation Philosophy
Quality and uniqueness are my top priorities. I don't aim to do more but instead focus on selected projects
Completed Projects and Their Features
I classify projects into two primary formats. The first is the standard 16:9 screen, which is the most popular choice for any presentation. The second format is for large offline events with wide-screen displays, where the aspect ratios can be different. These projects impressively display a company's content and help build a loyal audience.

Dealing with a non-standard format, you have to consider many different details: screen connections and the safe placement of content, visual adjustments for color and fonts, overall proportions, and image resolution. I've successfully crafted over 50 wide-format projects in collaboration with Presium—challenging to execute, but very interesting presentations.
For over 10 years, I've specialized in crafting presentations and completed over 500 projects of various levels of complexity during this time. These works were designed for both online and offline formats, accommodating both custom and standard screen sizes, considering the diversity of clients' industries. Through a skillful and effective visual approach, I've assisted companies in building strong relationships with clients, investors, employees, and the public
In the Projects section, I've featured my key presentations to showcase my skills. Unfortunately, due to non-disclosure agreements, many projects can't be shared publicly
Unconventional Screen Formats for Events
The 16:9 format is the most common and familiar for working with presentations. This aspect ratio allows for creating projects for both online and offline events. Adding animations, transitions, and videos doesn't cause any extra issues and is displayed in high quality in the project because this format is popular and well-developed.

Through years of applied design, I've developed my principles and approaches for effective visualization in this format. As a result, I've produced numerous successful projects, earning the loyalty from leading companies.
Wide-screen presentation for the CEO of Russian Railways (screen size: 33x6.5 meters)
Strategy day Inter RAO
Classic 16:9 Format
Summing Up and Upcoming Plans
During my creative journey in the world of presentations, I've explored a lot of specialized knowledge and met unique individuals. Working in agencies has given me the chance to create truly interesting and successful projects, and my passion for design has accelerated my learning of visual skills and techniques.

At the start of my path, I defined the main direction of my work in graphic design – presentation design. This narrow specialization helped me unlock my potential more effectively and continue refining my design abilities. As a result, I can now offer clients increasingly optimal and fresh solutions.
When your work brings genuine joy, achieving success is only a matter of time

In this article, I will try to explain in detail my journey of creative development in the field of graphic design. I will focus on how I got started in this profession, including the evolution of my visual skills, and I will also uncover the unique aspects of creating an expressive style for presentations.
My name is Andrey Zhandrov, and for over 10 years, I've been creating graphic presentations. During this time, I've had the opportunity to work with many agencies, successfully complete complex projects, and meet a lot of interesting people. I've earned the loyalty and respect of clients, learned to take feedback constructively, and developed a responsible approach to project creation.
Presentations are both my hobby and my job. This combination allows me to move forward confidently and handle tasks of any complexity

/Education and Exploring a Professional Pathway

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During my school years, I found it difficult to determine my future profession.I analyzed many options, explored different possibilities, and eventually chose to become an advertising specialist. This choice allowed me to dive deep into the world of design, marketing, and psychology.

Developing Visual Skills
While studying at university, I focused on design. The complexity lay in the fact that this field is incredibly diverse, and the curriculum only covered the basics. Alongside my studies, I started learning the Adobe software package.
My university education equipped me with foundational knowledge in my professional field. However, I'm always on the lookout for fresh learning opportunities. This includes attending themed exhibitions, listening to speakers, and discussing design with colleagues. In addition to offline information, I regularly take online courses in specialized areas. My goals include continuously improving my visual skills, thoroughly studying trends, and finding new solutions to current design challenges.

Completed Photoshop Course
Applying Knowledge and Studio Work
Throughout my career in presentation design, I've worked with different agencies, gaining diverse experience and building core visual skills. I've been fortunate to meet many interesting people, and many of them have become my friends. We exchange practical knowledge and engage in productive professional discussions.
I want to highlight a special place where I work – the Presium design studio, which has become a second home to me. Over 6 years of productive work, we've gone from being a small company to achieving significant results on a national scale. Here, I refined my skills in creating presentations and developed confidence in my abilities. The team's warm and friendly atmosphere made working on comprehensive projects efficient and relaxed.
Collaborating with people who share common interests and goals is the key to dynamic progress and achieving impressive results

A Special and Unique Team at Presium Studio

/My Skills and Philosophy of Presentation Design

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After hearing about my career exploration and experience, it's time to discuss the important programs for graphic work and share the basic principles of my approach to creating presentations.

Essential Software Tools
Today, designers can choose the right tool from a wide range of graphic software programs. Many of them are interchangeable or complement each other. Specific combinations are selected for solving different tasks. Every designer decides on their own which programs to learn and use, regularly updating, optimizing, and adding new tools to their toolkit.
PowerPoint is a crucial tool for me, but I also actively use Photoshop and Illustrator. These programs help me design expressive presentations that align with the project's goals. The possibilities of Photoshop are fully revealed when it comes to editing raster graphics and creating modern collages. Illustrator is a top choice for working with vector graphics. The synergy between these programs allows for the creation of genuinely vivid and effective presentations.

The Beluga presentation cover was created in Photoshop
Presentation Philosophy
I invest experience, time, and emotions into every project. There are no minor tasks or clients for me, so I offer contemporary and relevant visual solutions for all presentations to achieve the best results for the client. By blending various styles and approaches, I successfully bring individual and meaningful projects to life.
A key aspect for me is creating a high-quality presentation within the timeframes set by the client. To meet deadlines, I optimize the design process and carefully estimate the time available for work.
Quality and uniqueness are my top priorities. I don't aim to do more but instead focus on selected projects

/Completed Projects and Their Features

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For over 10 years, I've specialized in crafting presentations and completed over 500 projects of various levels of complexity during this time. These works were designed for both online and offline formats, accommodating both custom and standard screen sizes, considering the diversity of clients' industries. Through a skillful and effective visual approach, I've assisted companies in building strong relationships with clients, investors, employees, and the public.

In the Projects section, I've featured my key presentations to showcase my skills. Unfortunately, due to non-disclosure agreements, many projects can't be shared publicly.
Unconventional Screen Formats for Events
I classify projects into two primary formats. The first is the standard 16:9 screen, which is the most popular choice for any presentation. The second format is for large offline events with wide-screen displays, where the aspect ratios can be different. These projects impressively display a company's content and help build a loyal audience.
Dealing with a non-standard format, you have to consider many different details: screen connections and the safe placement of content, visual adjustments for color and fonts, overall proportions, and image resolution. I've successfully crafted over 50 wide-format projects in collaboration with Presium—challenging to execute, but very interesting presentations.

Wide-screen presentation for the CEO of Russian Railways (screen size: 33x6.5 meters)
Classic 16:9 Format
The 16:9 format is the most common and familiar for working with presentations. This aspect ratio allows for creating projects for both online and offline events. Adding animations, transitions, and videos doesn't cause any extra issues and is displayed in high quality in the project because this format is popular and well-developed.
Through years of applied design, I've developed my principles and approaches for effective visualization in this format. As a result, I've produced numerous successful projects, earning the loyalty from leading companies.

Strategy day Inter RAO

/Summing Up and Upcoming Plans

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During my creative journey in the world of presentations, I've explored a lot of specialized knowledge and met unique individuals. Working in agencies has given me the chance to create truly interesting and successful projects, and my passion for design has accelerated my learning of visual skills and techniques.
At the start of my path, I defined the main direction of my work in graphic design – presentation design. This narrow specialization helped me unlock my potential more effectively and continue refining my design abilities. As a result, I can now offer clients increasingly optimal and fresh solutions.

When your work brings genuine joy, achieving success is only a matter of time

Clear and professional animation using standard PowerPoint features

Animating static designs and building a clear visual story. Key principles and tips for creating animation

Can a PowerPoint template make life easier?

Many mistakenly assume that having a universal template within a company enables the creation of high-quality presentations

Where to find inspiration for presentations and should design be copied?

Finding the balance between copying and creating new designs is a challenging yet fascinating task. The search for inspiration is an ongoing process that contributes to the designer's growth and development
coming soon