
Finding the balance between copying and creating new designs is a challenging yet fascinating task. The search for inspiration is an ongoing process that contributes to the designer's growth and development

Where to find inspiration for presentations and should design be copied?

Designers often face a situation where creating a new project becomes challenging in offering something interesting and fresh. Familiar techniques and standard solutions don’t lead to successful achievement of the set goals. Continual attempts to find the best solution can be irritating and mentally exhausting. For beginners, this issue is particularly relevant, as they are more susceptible to emotional burnout compared to others.

The internet offers many specialized resources with lots of useful information. To create presentations that flow well, it’s important to learn how to interpret and use this information properly. I want to point out that inspiring design is all around us: take notice of nature, interiors, clothing, and many other areas of life. They provide a unique opportunity to observe striking combinations and diverse compositions.
Seeking inspiration is incredibly important, it's a continuous and endless path for a presentation designer's development
Inspiring resources and successful designer projects
My recommended list of useful resources is relatively small, but it fully satisfies all the necessary needs when searching for inspiration. I spend most of my time on the site Pinterest. This visual tool for finding creative ideas allows users to upload images, collect them in thematic collections, and save favorite pictures to revisit anytime.

Pinterest is my go-to site for finding fresh ideas and inspiration. This resource is a must-see, and I highly recommend beginner presentation designers to explore its features and diverse content.
Creative individuals browse many beautiful projects online every day. Each specialist has their own unique list of inspirational resources and a saved collection of works. Others' projects allow finding universal solutions and looking at design in a new way
Visual tool for searching ideas: Pinterest
In addition to resources, I suggest regularly looking through companies' annual reports. They present information structured similarly to presentations. Companies also release visual materials for Investor Day and development strategies
Second in importance for me is Behance. This resource features a huge collection of projects by creative individuals from around the world. Unlike Pinterest, here designers post their personal projects and explain in detail how they were created.

I confidently recommend every presentation designer to pay great attention to both resources. They complement each other and help find the most relevant ideas for personal projects.
Original projects and bright, impactful ideas: Behance
It's a platform where you can always discover many unique web design works and find fresh ideas to inspire your own projects. Innovative, current, creative, and minimalist projects leave a lasting impression on site visitors, while the large thematic selection helps every designer find suitable works.

The showcased projects create and support modern trends while implementing unique ideas. An interesting and useful resource for finding contemporary solutions in the world of design, I definitely recommend exploring it.
Modern and creative web design works: Awwwards
Pinterest, Behance, Awwwards - my key resources for inspiration
Related specialized fields and visual environment
Design covers a broad spectrum of professions. Every professional independently discovers relevant visual examples from similar graphic fields. Countless unique projects can be found in branding, web design, advertising, printing, and more. Each strong work has something to offer and implement.

My main advice is to always explore beyond your own area of expertise and explore various expressions of graphic design online, at exhibitions, and through conversations with colleagues. This is how you can maintain a visual perspective and sustain motivation in your work.
I've shared my favorite resources for finding inspiration, but I want to note that design isn't only on specialized websites. It's much broader and surrounds us everywhere, we just need to look more closely. We continuously make choices in clothing, interior design, landscape, based on our visual perception and experience
Branding project on Behance by Liu Sheng
Specialized design in related fields
In addition to specific works, we are surrounded by architecture, landscape, interior design, and many other spheres. These fields have their unique characteristics and subtleties, but the fundamental rules are alike. You can always encounter fascinating color combinations and effective spatial arrangements. Each new experience allows you to expand your graphic knowledge and take note of expressive solutions for projects.

Beyond the works made by designers, it's crucial not to forget about the most important and unique creator - nature. All the beauty has been created before us, we just need to notice it. Nature combines harmonious color blends and maintains balanced proportions. You can find peace in beautiful sunsets or a storm of emotions in a thunderstorm with rain.
Visual composition in architecture
Design is all around us, always and everywhere
For inspiring solutions, I suggest going beyond the familiar and exploring new design approaches in various fields
Balance between copying and creating new things
One of the common mistakes made by inexperienced designers is attempting to create a presentation based on a liked reference without considering the amount of content and graphic style. As a result, the original meaning is lost, and the slide begins to look out of place. Meanwhile, the designer tries to optimize it and persuade the client that the proposed solution is effective.

Most references have a short lifespan and lose relevance after a short while. Therefore, designers might initially try to implement a losing variant in their work.
I want to emphasize that studying theory and looking at pictures without consistent practice doesn’t have a positive effect on developing new skills. The primary focus should be on practical work. So, how can one skillfully use the acquired visual information in their work?
The issue of references for beginners
It's not necessary to focus on designing every single element from the selected reference. In my opinion, it's much more important to concentrate on the main visual idea. Understanding the general idea and figuring out how to smoothly integrate it into your work is essential. Adding variety to objects and focusing on the presentation's theme will help form a good project.

Regular practice helps designers to create alternative solutions and build a shared visual foundation for presentations. This way, they learn to create harmonious slides, improve their observational skills, and generate effective compositions.
An individual timeline for the Lenta presentation
Developing an original layout using a benchmark
Design basics have been invented before us, but the power to create new combinations is in our hands
Summing up final results and general recommendations
A presentation designer who enjoys their job and aims to enhance their skills is always searching for new ideas. They find support in valuable resources showcasing a variety of projects.

Finding a balance between copying and creating new designs is a challenging but interesting task. While forming a visual composition, using others' works as a reference is possible, but it's vital to add something fresh and distinctive.
Reviewing successful projects broadens and breaks graphic boundaries, helping in the creation of unique presentations

Designers often face a situation where creating a new project becomes challenging in offering something interesting and fresh. Familiar techniques and standard solutions don’t lead to successful achievement of the set goals. Continual attempts to find the best solution can be irritating and mentally exhausting. For beginners, this issue is particularly relevant, as they are more susceptible to emotional burnout compared to others.
The internet offers many specialized resources with lots of useful information. To create presentations that flow well, it’s important to learn how to interpret and use this information properly. I want to point out that inspiring design is all around us: take notice of nature, interiors, clothing, and many other areas of life. They provide a unique opportunity to observe striking combinations and diverse compositions.
Seeking inspiration is incredibly important, it's a continuous and endless path for a presentation designer's development

/Inspiring resources and successful designer projects

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Creative individuals browse many beautiful projects online every day. Each specialist has their own unique list of inspirational resources and a saved collection of works. Others' projects allow finding universal solutions and looking at design in a new way.

My recommended list of useful resources is relatively small, but it fully satisfies all the necessary needs when searching for inspiration. I spend most of my time on the site Pinterest. This visual tool for finding creative ideas allows users to upload images, collect them in thematic collections, and save favorite pictures to revisit anytime.
Pinterest is my go-to site for finding fresh ideas and inspiration. This resource is a must-see, and I highly recommend beginner presentation designers to explore its features and diverse content.

Visual tool for searching ideas: Pinterest
Second in importance for me is Behance. This resource features a huge collection of projects by creative individuals from around the world. Unlike Pinterest, here designers post their personal projects and explain in detail how they were created.
I confidently recommend every presentation designer to pay great attention to both resources. They complement each other and help find the most relevant ideas for personal projects.

Original projects and bright, impactful ideas: Behance
It's a platform where you can always discover many unique web design works and find fresh ideas to inspire your own projects. Innovative, current, creative, and minimalist projects leave a lasting impression on site visitors, while the large thematic selection helps every designer find suitable works.
The showcased projects create and support modern trends while implementing unique ideas. An interesting and useful resource for finding contemporary solutions in the world of design, I definitely recommend exploring it.

Modern and creative web design works: Awwwards
In addition to resources, I suggest regularly looking through companies' annual reports. They present information structured similarly to presentations. Companies also release visual materials for Investor Day and development strategies.
Pinterest, Behance, Awwwards - my key resources for inspiration

/Related specialized fields and visual environment

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I've shared my favorite resources for finding inspiration, but I want to note that design isn't only on specialized websites. It's much broader and surrounds us everywhere, we just need to look more closely. We continuously make choices in clothing, interior design, landscape, based on our visual perception and experience.

Specialized design in related fields
Design covers a broad spectrum of professions. Every professional independently discovers relevant visual examples from similar graphic fields. Countless unique projects can be found in branding, web design, advertising, printing, and more. Each strong work has something to offer and implement.
My main advice is to always explore beyond your own area of expertise and explore various expressions of graphic design online, at exhibitions, and through conversations with colleagues. This is how you can maintain a visual perspective and sustain motivation in your work.

Branding project on Behance by Liu Sheng
Design is all around us, always and everywhere
In addition to specific works, we are surrounded by architecture, landscape, interior design, and many other spheres. These fields have their unique characteristics and subtleties, but the fundamental rules are alike. You can always encounter fascinating color combinations and effective spatial arrangements. Each new experience allows you to expand your graphic knowledge and take note of expressive solutions for projects.
Beyond the works made by designers, it's crucial not to forget about the most important and unique creator - nature. All the beauty has been created before us, we just need to notice it. Nature combines harmonious color blends and maintains balanced proportions. You can find peace in beautiful sunsets or a storm of emotions in a thunderstorm with rain.
For inspiring solutions, I suggest going beyond the familiar and exploring new design approaches in various fields

Visual composition in architecture

/Balance between copying and creating new things

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I want to emphasize that studying theory and looking at pictures without consistent practice doesn’t have a positive effect on developing new skills. The primary focus should be on practical work. So, how can one skillfully use the acquired visual information in their work?

The issue of references for beginners
One of the common mistakes made by inexperienced designers is attempting to create a presentation based on a liked reference without considering the amount of content and graphic style. As a result, the original meaning is lost, and the slide begins to look out of place. Meanwhile, the designer tries to optimize it and persuade the client that the proposed solution is effective.
Most references have a short lifespan and lose relevance after a short while. Therefore, designers might initially try to implement a losing variant in their work.
Developing an original layout using a benchmark
It's not necessary to focus on designing every single element from the selected reference. In my opinion, it's much more important to concentrate on the main visual idea. Understanding the general idea and figuring out how to smoothly integrate it into your work is essential. Adding variety to objects and focusing on the presentation's theme will help form a good project.

An individual timeline for the Lenta presentation
Regular practice helps designers to create alternative solutions and build a shared visual foundation for presentations. This way, they learn to create harmonious slides, improve their observational skills, and generate effective compositions.
Design basics have been invented before us, but the power to create new combinations is in our hands

/Summing up final results and general recommendations

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A presentation designer who enjoys their job and aims to enhance their skills is always searching for new ideas. They find support in valuable resources showcasing a variety of projects.
Finding a balance between copying and creating new designs is a challenging but interesting task. While forming a visual composition, using others' works as a reference is possible, but it's vital to add something fresh and distinctive.

Reviewing successful projects broadens and breaks graphic boundaries, helping in the creation of unique presentations

Clear and professional animation using standard PowerPoint features

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My journey of growth in the graphic world of presentation design

Now is the time to delve into the details of my path in design, the development of competencies, and the philosophy behind my approach to project creation

Can a PowerPoint template make life easier?

Many mistakenly assume that having a universal template within a company enables the creation of high-quality presentations
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